Friday, September 25, 2009

Day Two. "I could have worked out longer."

I slipped.

Every Thursday night my family, friends, girlfriend and I go to a cinema slash restaurant for "movie preview night." It's a good time to see my extended family, who before these movie nights became a tradition, I saw once or twice a year. It's also a bad time for me to eat fried, junky food. I didn't exactly slide back down a slippery slope, because I got a grilled chicken sandwich, opted out of the mayo but it was loaded with mushrooms and had two slices of bacon and is all placed on a giant bulky roll. I did take one piece of bacon off and ripped half of the bread off the sandwich, which was an improvement from what my smothered in mayo and honey mustard, extra bacon sandwich would have looked like. I'm a little proud of myself, but next time, I won't eat all those fries. I also had a few handfuls of popcorn and a soda, something that I really should cut out completely. Starting today, I'm cutting out soda, iced tea (which I am completely addicted to) and sugary juice (some juices can be more packed with sugar than soda!, click the link to read the proof).

I've starting researching healthy alternatives to the choices I normally make when I run into CVS to grab something to quench my thirst.
The drink Fuze is starting to turn up everywhere I go. I've heard mixed reviews on these, so I decided to check it out for myself. They have a few different "lines" of drinks, one called Slenderize. Strawberry Melon, Tangerine Grapefruit, Dragonfruit Lime, Empower Pomegranate Acai Berry, and Empower Goji Berry all pack 20 calories in the entire drink and only 2g of sugar. Tropical Punch is only 10 calories, but there are 12g of sugar!! You can check out their other drinks here.
The other one I've seen around is Naked Juice, a fruit smoothie with no sugar or preservatives added, just all natural flavor. Although I haven't tried it, it seems pretty "delish." Their website features all the juices they make, along with nutritional facts for each. They can be found at your local grocery store.
My last juice review is on Pom, the all natural pomegranate juice. Although they often place this in the fruit section of your grocery store, I'm not sure how benificial it is for those of us trying to lose weight. I found the website a little difficult to navigate, so I did a search online and also left a message with their customer representative. The regular serving size for one cup of this natural juice is 160 calories, 36g of sugar, and 10mg of sodium, but it does pack 430mg of Potassium, if you are lacking. Pom is great for various other health problems, which you can find out on their website, but not the low-sugar alternative I'm looking for.

My weight in for today was 190lbs. I also worked out my abs and lower stomach today. I looked online a few days ago for some workouts for a flabby stomach, and I found this to helpful for my first day. I did 2 reps of 10 for the double straight leg stretch, 2 reps of 15 of the pelvic thrusts, and skipped over the chair leg lifts. I also found the moves this guy does in his youtube video to be helpful. I didn't watch the entire video, but I did 2 reps of 20 (10 for each side). Then I did a little cardio to get my heart pumping, which was 2 reps of 50 jumping jacks.

So all and all, I'm pretty happy that I'm starting to stick to this. I did end up revealing myself to my girlfriend, who I'm happy didn't completely shit herself that I weight more than what she thought. She is a weight loss story that I'll be featuring in a few weeks, when she gets me the pictures of herself when she was heavy. I'm just trying to keep the journey going and don't stop on a side road to eat a few pastries.

Chubby Girl T

[EDIT 2:37 pm - I have moved all of my pictures of me that were in the post above this one here. I will be editing that blog with pictures of various things, if you would like to see my progress through photos.]


  1. Congratulations on starting your blog and the weight you've lost to date. I found you through Token Fat Girl. I have always struggled with weight, even when I was your age. It's an ogoing struggle. Love your masthead. I recently started a blog as well: If you have a moment, check it out. I too am open to suggestions or criticism...

  2. Hey! I found your blog through Jenny Mae's (is that her name?) comments on her blog. Good for you, trying to better yourself and be healthier! I have a greatttt soda replacement.. two actually. There's this brand of soda called Zevia that uses only all natural stevia (a sweetening herb -- no sugar!)to sweeten it. It's actually a little TOO sweet tasting for me because I don't drink the regular stuff. You can buy them through Whole Foods and other specialty healt stores.. about a $1.00 a can. The second soda replacement id something that I make at home. I put about half soda/sparkling water and half juice and it's just fantastic. If you're using a not-so-sweet juice, such as 100% cranberry (good for female ailments.. From Trader Joes)juice, unsweetened. I pour about 1/4 cranberry (can use pure blueberry juice, too) into a glass and then squirt some agave syrup (also from T.J.s) in it and give it a swirl. (The agave is a natural sweetener, but the sugar content is much lower regular syrup or honey.) Top with ice and soda water! I looove it!

  3. Hi Taylor. I found your blog thru Jenny Sigler's blog, too. Maybe I should advertise my blog on hers :-) Anyway, I wanted to encourage you in your healthy lifestyle endeavor. My husband and I have been on the South beach diet for about three weeks with pretty shocking results. I also joined Curves in July. I'm 26 and have had two kids so far...and my goal is to lose 20-30 lbs and strengthen my core muscles by February. Since the end of August I've lost 10 lbs! I would highly recommend the South Beach diet, although it does require having a lot of freedom to cook for yourself. The recipies are delicious, and it's making me actually ENJOY eating veggies--which I've NEVER done before.

    Good luck!

  4. Hi Taylor, I just wanted to stop by as I saw your link on BitchCakes blog :) I'll be following along and cheering you towards your goal!!
